法国通过有关商业照片的法例禁止對模特兒身材 PS

法国通过有关商业照片的法例禁止對模特兒身材 PS

在2015年12月的时候,法国通过有关商业照片的法例,如果照片中的模特儿身材曾后期加工,就必须标示为「photographie retouchée」(后制图片),违者可被罚款€37,500(折合约$34万港元)。

新法例将于今年10月1日生效,因此,网上免费图库 Getty Images 亦于同日开始,禁止用户上载同类图片。不过,是次修例针对有关模特儿身材与体重的后制,其他修改如发色、鼻型、皮肤瑕疵则不在此限。

是次规则更改不限于法国地区,所有Getty Images 用户都需要遵守相关条文。对于之前已经上载的图片,Getty Images 表示新条文只影响到少量已上载的图片,他们会与用户紧密联系,确保用户不会触犯新条文。

Getty Images 的公告:

Effective October 1, 2017 a new French law obliges clients who use commercial images in France to disclose whether the body shape of a model has been retouched to make them look thinner or larger.As a result, also effective October 1st, we have amended our Creative StillsSubmission Requirementsto require that you do not submit to us any creative content depicting models whose body shapes have been retouched to make them look thinner or larger.

Please note that other changes made to models like a change of hair color, nose shape, retouching of skin or blemishes, etc., are outside the scope of this new law, and are therefore still acceptable.

Effective 1st October 2017, any content submitted where this type of retouching has been carried out will be a breach of our Submission Requirements and your Agreement with us.


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