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雪狼摄影是“雪狼”摄影师制作的个人摄影网站, 雪狼摄影网旨在展示个人摄影作品传播摄影技巧服务于摄影爱好者。


1、关于 雪狼摄影网

雪狼摄影网站属雪狼(以下简称“本人”)版权所有,该网站及其延伸产品内的所有内容(包括但不限于:图片、文字、视频、标志、标识、广告、商标、域名、网站程序和页面设计以及专栏目录与名称等)和 雪狼摄影标识均受《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《中华人民共和国商标法》、《中华人民共和国专利法》及适用之国际公约中有关著作权、商标权、专利权及其它财产所有权法律的保护,为本人所有。






非商业用途转载(指以任何共享为目的,通过本网站内的“分享”链接或其他方式将本网站某页面或某些作品分享到非营利性的个人微博、个人博客或其他 SNS 网站可以不经本人允许直接进行转载,但必须保证不损害作品的完整性(包括但不限于:擅自修改和美化摄影作品、以任何方式使作品内的作者和版权信息不可见的)和注明作者及出处,否则视为非法转载,一经发现,本人将会使用一切手段保护应有的权益。







  Snow wolf photography is a personal photography site produced by "snow wolf" photographer. The snow wolf photography network aims at displaying personal photography, transmitting photography skills and serving photographers.

One:copyright notice

1, about Snow Wolf Photography Network
Snow Wolf photography website is snow wolf (hereinafter referred to as the "I") copyright, all the contents of this website and its extension in the product (including but not limited to: pictures, text, video, logo, logo, advertising, trademark, domain name, web applications and web page design and column directory name etc.) snow wolf and photography logo are subject to the "People's Republic of China copyright law", "People's Republic of China" trademark law "," People's Republic of China "patent law and applicable international conventions relating to copyright, trademark right, patent right and other property right to the protection of the law, for all I.

2, about photography
All snow wolf photography website in the works (including but not limited to: Photography and post production and landscaping, and a series of identification and description text watermarking etc.) are my personal photography, creation and design, the relevant provisions of all works according to the "People's Republic of China copyright law" and the International Convention for the copyright is belong to me since the completion of the exclusive ownership, and protected by law.
By any means or means of the works in any place outside this website in any way or form, belong to reprint behavior. I hope you can give due respect to my work, legal reprint, thank you!

Two: reproduced instructions

1, non commercial use reproduced
Non-commercial reprint (refers to any sharing for the purpose, through the website of "sharing" link or other way to make this website a page or some works to share personal and non-profit micro-blog personal blog or other SNS sites can not direct permission to reprint, but must ensure that no damage works integrity (including but not limited to: modify and beautify the photographic works in any way, the author and copyright information works within the visible) and indicate the author and the source, otherwise regarded as illegal reprint, once discovered, I will use all means to protect their rights.

2. For commercial use
To any individuals, institutions and social groups in a direct or indirect profit (including but not limited to: website, publications, magazines, books, newspapers and a variety of print media and television media reproduced, etc.) must obtain the consent of, and must ensure the integrity does not harm the works (including but not limited to modify and beautify the photographic works in any way, the author and copyright information works within the visible) and indicate the author and the source, otherwise regarded as illegal reprint, once discovered, I will use all means to protect the rights and interests of others shall be.

Contact information:
Personal website: https://www.52sheying.com.cn
E-mail: xygwh2@126.com